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Logo Horizontal Color
Logo Vertical Color


A logo embodies the attitude, identity and business of a company in its name, design and colors. A logo should be relevant to the services, to the industry, and be immediately recognizable by customers.

Our NextHome Metro Real Estate Services logo was founded upon a name that speaks directly to what we do. NextHome Metro Real Estate Services represents forward motion, progress, and a transition. The meaning and culture of our company is represented in every element of our logo, icon and mascot. When our members hand out a business card or any material to clients, they instantly recognize and understand what we do.

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NextHome Metro Real Estate Services

Broker/Owner: Francine Marsolek
Email: Francine@mresMN.com
Address: 7309 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes, MN 55014
Phone: 612.868.9344
Website: NHMRES.com