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Brand Identity & Personal Connection

Most consumers go online first to find information, research and purchase goods. Despite the surge in online marketing and the push towards mobile consumption, print marketing is still very effective. With online advertising becoming over saturated, print marketing creates a unique, defined and targeted message. It is tangible, credible and engaging.

All forms of print marketing in real estate, from magazine advertisements, brochures, postcards and presentations, are effective when they have consistent quality, are representative of your brand and appeal to the consumer. The material and design we have created for NextHome Metro Real Estate Services was developed with a focus on current trends and future clients. It visually embodies a forward thinking, fresh, sophisticated and warm personality. Our materials and systems allow our members to create consistency, tying together their online and offline marketing for effective brand awareness, growth and property sales.

Of customers visit a brand’s website after receiving direct-mail marketing.
Of households read or browse their advertising mail.

Let's Talk

Contact Us Today

NextHome Metro Real Estate Services

Broker/Owner: Francine Marsolek
Email: Francine@mresMN.com
Address: 7309 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes, MN 55014
Phone: 612.868.9344
Website: NHMRES.com